Veröffentlicht am: 29.10.2023 um 16:31 Uhr:

Kölner Karneval: New child rights protection concept for children and young people presented

* Festival committee establishes prevention concept in collaboration with Zartbitter eV

* Pänzrechte pass developed together with children and young people

* Performance as part of the event “Pänz danze för Kölle”

  Photo: Costa Belibasakis
Zartbitter leader Philipp Büscher (left) with festival committee vice-president Christine Flock, festival committee president Christoph Kuckelkorn and Pänz from the children's and youth dance groups

Photo: Costa Belibasakis

» There are almost three dozen children's and youth dance groups on the festival committee, plus children in almost all family groups. The festival committee has teamed up with Zartbitter eV to ensure that these youngest of the Jecken feel safe and comfortable during the carnival. The Cologne contact and advice center advises those affected and carries out prevention work against sexual abuse of children and young people.

The first result of this collaboration is now available: the Pänzrechte pass. It consists of a total of 28 motifs that deal with the interaction between children and adults, but also between children. Topics include respectful interaction and integration, setting boundaries and getting help. This is intended to give children a sense of what behavior is okay and what is not. The focus is not only on your own behavior, but also that of others, for example adults.

The 28 motifs were developed by Zartbitter employees in collaboration with the festival committee and children and young people from the carnival groups. The Pänz spoke with great commitment about positive and negative everyday situations, such as during training or at carnival celebrations, and worked out the topics that were particularly important to them. The Cologne illustrator Dorothee Wolters finally translated these themes into a child-friendly visual language.

The Pänzrechte pass is the first step towards a new children's rights protection concept that the festival committee would like to implement for the children and youth groups in collaboration with Zartbitter. This includes prevention guidelines for leaders as well as a camival-specific complaints office, which can now be reached by all Pänz at As a further part of the prevention work, topic-specific plays for children and young people are planned.

“Children are our most valuable asset, in camival as in the rest of life,” emphasizes Christoph Kuckelkorn, President of the Cologne Carnival Festival Committee. “A club or carnival society should always be a safe place for a child, that is the goal of our prevention work. We adults are responsible for protecting children. “But you also have to ‚inform children about their rights so that they are encouraged to defend themselves against attacks and get help.” The Pänzrechte pass will not only be distributed in the children's and youth dance groups, but also in the Cologne primary schools thatthe children's triumvirate will visit in the coming session. “Carnival is colorful and fun — swaying, singing and collecting camels, I thought that was great even as a child. Of course, carnival is only really fun when everyone feels good. That's why we’re very happy about the Pänzrechte pass,” says Philipp Büscher, head of the bittersweet contact and advice center. “I would like to see all the kids in Cologne primary schools receive a children’s rights pass. I am sure that the passes will give Cologne residents lots of good ideas about how they can stand up for their personal rights and those of their friends at carnival and at their school.” Interested teachers and management staff are welcome to contact Zartbitter or contact the Cologne Carnival Festival Committee.

The rights were presented today as part of the “Pänz danze för Kölle” event, which the festival committee organizes every two years for the children and youth dance groups at the Cologne Camival. Over 900 children from 28 different groups accepted the invitation and presented their skills on the big stage at Gürzenich today. The Domstürmer and Bläck Fööss provided the right entertainment for the session. “Pänz danze för Kölle is the perfect introduction to the session for our Pänz and a great opportunity to show off their dancing skills in front of likeminded people,” explains Christine Flock, Vice President and responsible for the children’s and youth carnival. “Many have never stood on such a big stage before, so we are offering a very special opportunity here.” «

Source: Press release of the Festkomitee Kölner Karneval von 1823 of 29 October 2023


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